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Well, I haven't seen the movie, so I don't get ANY joke O.o
I won't evaluate the humor very muhc then, but I guess you chose nice jokes in the movie.

The intro is a bit plain, a couple of pictures here and there and that's all. Could be better, maybe the SB doesn't really need an intro, but it's nothing too serious.
The sound quality is, I guess, the best possible, no flaws there.
Oh well, maybe you could have used some pic or something for the background, but at least the buttons are clear and I can't find any trouble there.

I must say I'm not a big fan of soundboards, (even less if I don't know about what are they talking about :P), but the sound quality impressed me, I think it's better than the average, and there are a good variety of stuff to choose.

Good job! :D

Frenzy responds:

Thanks for the great review! I really appreciate them!


My sir, you're great.

I love people like you. You share your experience with others, a really symphatetic mind, I love that. Your presentation is not the best, is really simple, but it's clear, and that's the most important point. It's easy to understand and follow, and really, really useful. The background music is simple and sweet, and not annoying at all. And that's why I give you a 10 and a 5, just because you took the effort to make this.
It's a complete and fine tutorial, I find it great.

Sincerely, very good job! :D

Cia-Vamp responds:

Awesome! Thanks. I like ppl like you that see how much work making a tutorial can take.Thx

Good soundboard!

Well, this a good soundboard, better than the average. Complete, with lots of jokes and voices, but I still see some flaws, so I'll try to help the best I can:

Mmmh, have you got Flash 8? Why not using filters, and that cool stuff for the fonts, or the buttons? Making them look cooler would improve a lot the image of the flash. Just yellow circles...isn't enough. It's not bad, I mean, at least you can see everything properly, but can be better.

However, I liked pretty much the backgrounds you used, and marking which sentences were long, which were short, was a nice detail.

Good job!

wizardman responds:

Unfortunately, I don't have Flash 8. I might as well just wait until flash 9 and get the student discount upgrade on that. It'd be cool to spice the buttons up, yeah, but I didn't want to make the gradient mistake like last time *shudder*. I used the yellow circles to symbolize Blockhead's head basically.
Thanks for the review.


Ok, I see LOTS of potential here, I mean a HUGE amount of programming skill, I just see some flaws, which are pretty easy to solve, at least in my opinion, so here they are, some tips to you.

You need to improve the artwork and animation stuff. A lot. This game would get top scores if the graphics were improved. Haven't you thought about improving your drawing skills, or, if you feel too lazy or unable to improve that, get an experienced artist? Seriously, there is a big lack of art here, and it's a pity this couldn't make to the top 50,or simply get better scores, just because of that, a better design. It's not THAT BAD, but there is room for improvement.

Also, background music in the cities, that would help a lot, and getting some other music for fights, appart from the one you used, which is not bad, anyway. But some variety would be appreciated.

Other than that, I have nothing bad to say about this! The programming is great, and the game is complete and entretaining, I just think it's not very visually attractive after a while. But you'll think about it, right? :P

Well, I must say, overall great work! Looking foward more!

Benspyda responds:

yes the next will have much needed improved graphics

Simple, but fun!

Easy as that. The graphics, far to be really difficult, are very simple, good for that. That makes the game, at a first view, rather easy. Big mistake, soon it becomes a hell while you look for the correct shapes to mark. The style is pretty cool, and the music fitted with it. Relaxed stuff for a difficult game, good choice.

I must say I liked this very much because of the simplicity of the gameplay, mixed with the high difficulty.

Great job! Looking foward more!

LuckyLollipopLad responds:


I'd actually like to jazz up the graphics slightly, with different 'skins' and some paper textures and stuff.

Glad you enjoyed it.

More will definitely come!

Thanks for the review.

Stay funky,
- Bez

Happy stuff!

I loved all the dancing sticks! They're pretty well done! :D

This is a really happy flash, and I liked the way you made the sun bigger. Yeah, the music, great, and the cool animation made a great tribute out of this. Congratulations!

Hahaha, great!

Somehow I love this type of games. Excellent! With a good variety of heads, the FX is good, and there's no lack of options. Good stuff we've got here! I loved the seizure background :D

Could you add some music for the next one? If we are able to choose between some songs, this will be excellent!

Shall I suggest you to try doing a ragdoll game? Wow, you sure have the potential.

Keep practising!

Excellent game!

Wow, that must be a big bunch of script! I love this type of game, and this is one of the best I've seen! Although the graphics are not the best, and they're pretty simple, this gameplay is perfect! Very good job!

Excellent, and funny game!

The graphics are really nice, the gameplay, besides of original, is excellent, and so the music is very nice! This means a Frontpage for sure! Yes, an excellent game!


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