View Profile TheSoulMan

634 Movie Reviews

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I'm really happy how did this come out. Oh well, the intro is the same as always, still with that swell invisible button xD.

I'm not going to review my part, that would be pretty stupid...

Your part was hilarious, just seeing the old guy driving the small car made me laugh. The black and white style was great, and the "lol, 1930" made me laugh really hard!
The music you chose is great, and very funny, I loved it.

Great job!

DrunkAlien responds:

Thanks again ;P

However, I'm thinking of stopping this series now. It takes too many hours before it passes judgement. Oh well.

Thanks again :)

Above average!

Most skate flashes suck really hard, this one doesn't at all!

Actually this was pretty good. The animation is smooth and good, the characters, even thought they're sticks, have a couple of details, like hair...that makes them better. Well done.

The music fitted well with the flash, nothing bad to say about that.

Oh well, and skate style...I'm not a big fan of skate, but definately this deserves to have an good score.

Good luck with future flashes, and keep them coming! :D

Plain greatness.

This...is just awesome. It's really great to see a serious flash from you, talent is there.

The drawings were masterful,funny, and interesting to watch, and the style was just that kind of epic randomness, perfectly animated, well developed movements, and all the stuff. Greatly done, overall.

The music was really were chosen, and you synced it to the movie perfectly.

Wow, I'm amazed with this, I love it when good music and a great flash are mixed up so perfectly. Added to fav's.

Excellent job.

It's been a while..

Indeed, it has been a really long time since you submitted to NG.

Well I must say...I'm not really a FAN of claymations, since more of the stuff I see is pretty bad, but this was a good one. (Well, it'd better be GOOD, coming from you)

Well, I have not much to say about this, was really good, the animation was smooth, clear voices....nothing bad.

Mh, well, the action could go a little faster, and the guys could be a little different between them, even though I know it's your classic style...

I guess it good, really good. And the last "I'm hungry" made me chuckle :D


I loved this submission!

Hey, your drawing still is really unique, I like it very much, keep it going!
Hahaha, even though the lack of voices, it was hilarious all the things the guys were talking, like the "o rly" thing and the umbrellas :D
The background music was great, and the final...song... well, was really amusing!

Great job!

DrunkAlien responds:

Oh man. I love your reviews. :D

Thanks alot! :)

Another cool technoandstuff!

Yay! This time I noticed the secret button! :D

Well, the intro again was nice, something that should never change. And both parts were hilarious. The beer thingy made me laugh, just because of the "k" and the face of the guy, he seemed to be on crack or something xD

Oh my, the second was TRIPPY, with the spinning thingy and the cats...I loved that.

Great stuff!

DrunkAlien responds:

Thanks again ;P


Another awesome BBQ submission, this time the 101st!

It's a classic to see Mr. BBQ farting, but somehow this one was special. In this one BBQ wasn't such an important person, a perfect being...he looked more like a passionated teenager with his friend, trying to gain fame in the music world. I'm sure the world would highly appreciate the incredible bbqish music skills, even though I still think we wouldn't deserve it.

Again, great vocies, effects, and everything else.

Excellent job!

Bbqbeefburgerman responds:

Thank you sir.


It's an explanatory flash...looked like an animated and very very short version of the Newgrounds History...

You got a couple of nice pics here and there, like the old layout one, I like that.
Meh, but it's just a couple of tweens and a cool Audio Portal music, I'm glad you accepted my suggestion to use it :)

This wasn't bad, anyway was kinda boring, I'd prefer to read the whole NG History (I have done it, a couple of times) rather than seeing this, anyway, good job, even though there is room for improvement. A lot.

Paradox responds:

The fact that it's just tweens, and shit, that's the basic idea. But this is more than the NG History section states, it really describes the changes, and what's more to come. Plus, I only had a couple of hours to make it. :D

Excellent 100th submission, Mr. BBQ!

Oh well. 100 movies. All by yourself. That's a huge amount of them. How does it feel? Seriously...all yours... you're better than SS!

Well, the preloader was great! Good job on that!
The graphics were as always, truly excellent!
The voices, again, were great , too and I love that background music. Oh, and the ending theme by Jimmy Soul has become of my favs songs so far.

Everything is just perfect!

Much love from NG, Mr. BBQBeefBurguerMan. Never stop working on those awesome flash movies.

Bbqbeefburgerman responds:

<3 soul man


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