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634 Movie Reviews

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I'm really really pissed off >:U


Hahah,jokes appart, great tutorial. Even though I do a lot of these thingies, and I use them in almost all my movies, I didn't notice the "press shift" tip, so I must say I learned something today! :D

Good tutorial, I loved the background...and the what is love remix was swell! I'm submitting this to flash tutorials! :D

Great job!

DrunkAlien responds:

Thank you sir. :D

Oh my god.

You made a bunch of stick people watch a porno movie! Ew!That's disgusting! Oh wait...

Hahaha, jokes appart, nice job, and a nice idea. It's been done, but never gets old!

Next time, try to make more stuff appear in the background, and please, make something better than a bunch of poorly drawn sticks! :P
MJ is always welcome!

The music is good, I guess. I liked it.

Good job! I wasn't expecting this :D

Paradox responds:

Hahahahahaha, they watched porn. That's classic. ;)

The sticks were just the fillers, at the time I was bored out of my ass making it, so I just decided to stuff some shitty stick figures in there. :D


This was pretty random.

Well, it was really really short, but it's meant to be so, it's ok.
I liked the graphics. The coal clock's clock is original, with those grinders inside, I loved them.

Well, the train thing was random, actually I tried to guess what's that "train", I think it isn't really a train... Any clues? :P

CoalClock responds:

It's a train, I just motionblurred it in Photoshop.


This was actually pretty funny.

That song was really catchy, and the movie had its moments, with all those Hitler pics, gifs, and the photoshopped DDR Machine. Hahaha. Yes, definately this movie made me laugh.

All seizures backgrounds deserve to be appreciated!

And those spinning yen signs... were awesome...I wish they were in every single movie in NG... :D

Good job!

psychojester responds:

calm down.

Wow, that was weird.

Hahaha, seems good potential, just there is lack of some stuff.

The frame rate could be a little higher, therefore this would look much more smoother. Also, some drawings, specially the mouths were a bit choppy.

Anyway, there are a bunch of good things I liked a lot!
Hahah, the plot was nosense and random. Great!
That close-up of the snot...was hilarious, the art is really good in that scene.

Oh well, this was indeed a nice movie! Good job!


Pointless, and stupid, just like I love movies to be! Hey, your drawings are awesome, why not using them more often. Oh wait, I know. NG doesn't deserve to watch your masterful pieces of art.

Hahaha, all those theeth pics were hilarious! And those .gif explosions made me laugh!

Great job!

Right another masterful work

Everyone would love to do that kind of stuff, even more if BBQ supports it.

Graphic stuff, great, as always, I love all the pics, and the "noise" effect in all your movies. Animation, as always. Keep that.

No background music for this one, but finally there are Speakonia voices :D

Nothing more to say about it. Thank you kind sir for making this one.

Great work!

Bbqbeefburgerman responds:

Thank you kind sir for review.


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